
Simple main rule 
No comments or posts on Politics, Religion and News.

Posting Rules 
This Blog is for all ages in a Family where any member can come and participate without hesitation. Keeping this in mind the following ruling have been made.
Rules will be changed and updated as needed.

1. Pictures/Images: No posting of nude images with frontal and back nudity. Also no posting of Bikini clad men and women.
2. Memes and Gifs: Religious, political and nude memes/gifs are not to be posted.
3. Music Videos: Songs with nudity and vulgarity are to be avoided, but no strict rule for them as posters cannot change the song or the video. 
4. Movies: Link to a full movie is a strict "NO" as some movies will contain nude scenes. You may post a trailer to the movie or give detailed information in your post.
If Any one is posting a full movie, moderators have full rights to delete that comment without informing the poster.

Disqus rules
The following are not allowed on Disqus:
  1. Targeted harassment or encouraging others to do so
  2. Spam
  3. Impersonation
  4. Direct threat of harm
  5. Posting personally identifiable information
  6. Inappropriate profile content
Targeted harassment or encouraging others to do so
The targeted and systematic harassment of people has no place on Disqus, nor do we tolerate communities dedicated to fostering harassing behavior.
Examples include 1) comments posted in large quantities to promote a product or service, 2) the exact same comment posted repeatedly to disrupt a thread. 3) following users multiple times
You may not impersonate others in a manner that does or is intended to mislead, confuse, or deceive others.
Direct threat of harm
This covers active threats of harm directed towards a specific person or defined group of individuals. Contact local authorities if you feel a crime has been committed or is imminent.
Posting personally identifiable information
Examples of protected information: credit card number, home/work address, phone number, email address, social security number. Real name isn't currently covered.
Inappropriate profile content
Graphic media containing violence and pornographic content are not allowed. Profile content allowed by Disqus may not be allowed on all communitie, so report such profiles to the site moderator.

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